A service called Amara allows YouTubers to get crowd sourced help captioning their videos. Millions of people, particularly those with hearing impairments, rely on captions in order to watch movies and videos. Amara's goal is to have more captioned videos on the web. Anyone with a YouTube account can register with Amara.org for free. Then volunteers caption the videos for free. After the volunteers caption the videos the captions are then added to your YouTube video. Captioning videos can be difficult for individual video creators. Now with Amara there is no reason for YouTubers not to have their videos captioned. People can also volunteer to help caption more web videos.
assistive technology
captioned nextflix
captioned videos
captioned youtube
closed captioning
free captioning
hard of hearing
» Amara Free Crowd Sourced Captioning For YouTubers
Amara Free Crowd Sourced Captioning For YouTubers
- Geeks Computer Tech
Amara Free Crowd Sourced Captioning For YouTubers
Geeks Computer Tech
- 10.09
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